S2 E18 - The Weekly News 04-20-2022 with Simon Borchert, Shannon Elizabeth & Peter Borchert

Canada again subsidises the 2022 seal clubbing season. A beater harp seal pup on the ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. © IFAW/S. Cook

Trophy hunter kills Botswana’s largest elephant, and claims he is a hero. With just $50k paid for the hunt, the arguments in defense of this senseless past time of killing for fun are getting thinner and thinner. Simon calls out trophy hunters to engage in discussion in one final bid to understand the psychology in taking pleasure in killing and suffering.

Canada’s seal clubbing season opens. With just 3% of kills being attributed to traditional use by the indigenous Innuits, we debate the claimed value of the fur industry. Canada is not a shining example of environmental leadership! 

Rhino have been relocated back into Mozambique’s Zinave National park, but is it a good thing? We debate the value of relocations as a measure of protecting rhino.

Should we endorse mining industry heavyweights investing in conservation, or is it greenwashing?

Is doomism more damaging than denialism?

 GEF celebrates a commitment of US$600m from the USA – but is it enough?

Shannon launches her documentary about Munu, the blind black rhino adopted by her foundation. With Munu as a shareholder in the documentary, Shannon wants to innovate how content funds conservation.


S2 E19 - The Weekly News 05-12-2022 with Shannon Elizabeth & Peter Borchert


S2 E17 - The Weekly News 04-06-2022 with Shannon Elizabeth, Simon Borchert & Peter Borchert